Assessment of intervention to promote resilience in families of children with Down Syndrome
family resilience, intervention, family, down syndromeAbstract
This study aims to evaluate effects of an intervention to promote resilience in eight families of children with Down syndrome (DS) up to 2 years of age. These families were classified according to arrangements and income, then, they were randomly distributed into experimental and control groups. Home visits occurred in three steps: pre-test, post-test and follow up. All participants answered a sociodemographic questionnaire and a family resilience interview; in addition, parents responded to Lipp Stress Inventory and Beck Depression Inventory. A field diary and an evaluation interview for the families were conducted during intervention. No statistically significant differences were found between family resilience values at different steps (p = 0,77). However, some participants perceive changes in their family after intervention, for example, improvements in communication and knowledge about DS. Studies with more participants and extended period of time are needed.
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