Opening to experience and preference for figurative and non-figurative works of art
personality, big five model, artAbstract
Nonrepresentational art is another way to refer to abstract art elating to a style in which objects do not resemble those known in physical nature. In the last hundred years some experimental investigations of aesthetics and personality have been conducted to reveal fundamental factors which contribute to differences in artistic preference. This study explored associations among openness to experience and preference for visual art. Participants completed an Openess Fatorial Scale and provided preference ratings for different paintings corresponding to representational and nonrepresentational art. The statistical analysis of the data showed a positive correlation between the fantasy factor and appreciation for abstract paintings (r = .20). Here was no statistically significant correlation between this same dimension and the appreciation for figurative paintings. Although these findings are somewhat exploratory and more comprehensive measures of individual differences and art preferences could be employed in new studies in Brazil.
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