Transition to childhood education: a comparative study of the primary and secondary bonding process
primary attachment, secondary attachment, attachment, mother-baby, relationship, child educationAbstract
This paper aims: 1) to describe and to compare: a) the quality of the bond between a baby-mother and a baby-educator, at nine and twelve months old; b) the perception of the babies’ temperament by mothers and by educators and, 2) c) to correlate the bonding indicators with scores in temperament scales. Participated nine babies, their mothers and two teachers. Mothers and educators answered the temperament scale and were filmed individually with their respective babies, at nine and twelve months. The results indicated the presence of a primary bond with the mother and a secondary bond with the educator, both satisfactory. There were negative correlations between the baby’s difficult temperament and maternal interactive behaviors. Although the mother-baby bond is stronger, the quality established with the educators suggests that the transition to early childhood education can be positive.
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