Psychosocial aspects of high-risk pregnancy
Análise de mulheres grávidas hospitalizadas
pregnancy, high risk, mental health, hospitalizationAbstract
The high-risk pregnancy is characterized for being a moment that the life or health of the mother and/or fetus and/or newborn is subjected to higher risks of death compared to the average population. The study aimed to present data concerning the profile of high risks pregnancy and determine psychosocial aspects about high-risk. The sample was composed by 74 pregnant women in a hospital located in Juiz de Fora/MG, Brazil. The instruments applied were: PHQ-2, PSSS, STAI, ASSIST and a sociodemographic and clinical survey. It was possible to identify the prevalence of depressive symptoms, anxiety, reduced social support and inappropriate substance use in this population. The analyzes confirmed correlations between sociodemographic, clinical, and psychosocial aspects. The results demonstrate the relevance of knowing the profile of these women to improve the formulation of supportive strategies, directing to confront possible factors that may interfere the good progress of the gestation.
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