Preventive protocol of terapia de regulação infantil
Pilot study in the school environment
prevention, children, schoolsAbstract
The quality of education is related to the investment in students’ academic learning and socio-emotional development. This article aims to evaluate the effects of the preventive protocol of Terapia de Regulação Infantil: (TRI-P) on children’s socioemotional skills. TRI-P aims to develop socioemocional skills in schools. A quasi-experimental design with pre and posttest evaluation was used. Twenty-eight children from 7 to 9 years old, students from a private school in a country town of Rio Grande do Sul, participated in the study. The Social Skills Rating System scales were used to assess social skills and problem behaviors, and the Emotional Regulation Checklist to evaluate regulation and emotional lability. The results, after the intervention, indicated a decrease in behavior problem levels and an increase in emotional regulation and social skills scores. The implementation of socioemotional skills programs can be promising considering the importance of mental health care in the school environment.
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