Psychological well-being, depressive symptoms and character strengths among the community elderly
positive aging, character strengths, aged, well-being, depressionAbstract
In a world with an increasing number of elderly people, aging well is becoming increasingly important, and character strengths can contribute to this. In order to analyze strengths among the elderly, associating them with depressive symptoms and psychological well-being, 188 elderly people answered the reduced and Portuguese versions of Values-in-Action Inventory of Strengths, Geriatric Depression Scale and Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale. Love, Hope, Curiosity, Forgiveness, and Vitality strengths were associated with both higher levels of psychological well-being and lower depressive symptoms. Significant correlations were found between six strengths and depressive symptoms – weak negatives – and between 11 of them and psychological well-being – weak positives. The results of this study expand, albeit to a limited extent, knowledge about elderly people’s strengths, especially as they relate to two constructs that influence old age. In addition, they provide a basis for the development of future interventions.
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