A cognitive behavioral group intervention with obese patients
Preliminary results
obesity, cognitive behavioral therapy, group psychotherapy, psychological intervention, health promotionAbstract
Obesity has multifactorial causes and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy has positive results on cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects related to weight loss. This study presents a preliminary assessment of the Cognitive Behavioral Program for Group Food Education (PROMETA). A quantitative, pre-experimental study was carried out with pre- and post-test evaluation. Sixty-seven adults who were overweight or obese participated of 12 intervention sessions in groups. Instruments included the Beck inventories of depression, anxiety, and hopelessness, a periodic binge eating scale, and a body satisfaction scale. Results indicated that PROMETA contributed to the reduction of symptoms of depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and binge eating. Therefore, the program shows satisfactory results for this sample.
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