Sharing experiences or prescribing guidelines?
A study from mom blogs
motherhood, social networks, mother-child relationships, Internet, childrearing practicesAbstract
Currently, many mothers have used the digital environment, such as blogs, as a tool for sharing motherhood experiences. This study analyzed mom blogs posts’ themes, as well as whether they are prescriptive or informative in addition to sharing experiences. We also verified the explicit basis of the prescriptive and informative posts. A frequency analysis of 845 posts from the 10 most accessed Brazilian mom blogs was performed. The results showed that the most frequent themes are related to concerns about child development, pregnancy and childbirth, parenting practices and motherhood demands. Most mom blog posts analyzed had a prescriptive or informative function, except for the motherhood demands theme. Results confirm that the content circulating in these blogs is based on the health sciences knowledge, which is essentially prescriptive on how to act as a mother.
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