Exposure to marital violence in childhood and transgenerational perpetuation of violence
Systematic review
marital conflict, family violence, family of originAbstract
This study aimed to investigate the repercussions of exposure to marital violence in childhood on the transgenerational perpetuation of violence, based on a systematic literature review. Empirical articles were considered, available in electronic databases and published between 2009 and 2021. The selected studies were analyzed qualitatively from the thematic categories: sample characterization; methodological characteristics; types of marital violence that support the researches; and, the repercussions of exposure to marital violence in childhood on the transgenerational perpetuation of violence. It was understood that the models learned in the relationships experienced in the family of origin and the exposure to marital violence during the childhood emerge as relevant factors for maintaining a violent marital relationship, reinforcing the possibility of transgenerational perpetuation of violence. The results found demonstrate the need for a careful look by health professionals in an attempt to think interventions to break the transgenerational cycle.
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