Prediction accuracy in the new forms of sexism based of the human values orientation in brazilian
Preconceito, Valores Humanos, Sexismo Ambivalente.Abstract
The human values have disclosed to safe explanations how much the manifestation and maintenance of this psicossocial problem, mainly, about the feminine prejudice. Such fact if must for being this construct able guiding choices, attitudes, behavior assessment and social situations. It is well possible that exists a normative base that guides the attitudes and behaviors against the women. Samples composed this study, citizens with age between 18 and 56 years of both the gender, of the cities of João Pessoa (Brazil) having as respondent of the inventory of ambivalent sexism, human values and partner-demographic data. The results have proved well similar to those found in previous studies and, in the sequence of the samples: the criterion of personal values of orientation explained the hostile sexism and benevolent, and the social one, only with benevolent.Downloads
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How to Cite
Formiga, N. S., & Silva Neta, A. B. da. (2009). Prediction accuracy in the new forms of sexism based of the human values orientation in brazilian. Psico, 40(2). Retrieved from