The awakening of love in the dance of the third age
Loving relationship, elderly, dance of old age.Abstract
Love is the base of all kind and human relationship, and for that reason, it can happen in all ages, which proves that the third age can be a restart. This study is about how to express love in the relationship of elderly retired people who participate in dances of the third age. The type of research was qualitative, descriptive exploratory in nature, whose design was a case study conducted with three subjects, chosen by accessibility. The dada were collected by a semi-structured interview and analyzed by examining the content, of which emerged seven categories. The objectives of the research were reached: the elderly look for a relationship to have a company; falling in love may or may not be experienced as something satisfactory; and the way relationships are structured shows that everyone shares everything, that women expresses themselves more than men, and that relationship can be serious when supported by the family.Downloads
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How to Cite
Kinas, R., & Bernardi Brum Vendruscolo, G. (2010). The awakening of love in the dance of the third age. Psico, 41(1). Retrieved from