LaPICC against COVID-19
Report of an online group cognitive-behavioral therapy experience
Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Group psychotherapy, Internet, Anxiety, StressAbstract
The population mental health was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The article reports the experience of the “LaPICC against COVID-19” project, which offered psychoeducational groups during the pandemic to provide opportunities for learning about anxiety and stress management strategies, it is in the face of a serious health crisis. An online group cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention was proposed, focusing on the management of anxiety and stress, consisting of 2 sessions in the same week. The intervention was carried out by videoconference, and 34 participants completed it. The data obtained suggests a decrease in anxiety levels, the acquisition of skills to manage unpleasant emotions and an increase in self-care behaviors. The article discusses the challenges in online group cognitive-behavioral therapy interventions and the social responsibility of psychology professionals in the context of the pandemic.
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