Weight-related violence and unhealthy weight management practices
weight prejudice, violence, bullying, obesityAbstract
Currently, standards of beauty that are accepted as social norms and bodies outside this standard can suffer violence. This study sought to identify weight-related violence and its relationship with the adoption of unhealthy weight control practices. 462 people responded to an online questionnaire, of which 200 responded about the violence they had suffered. Data on violence were analyzed by Descending Hierarchical Classification and other data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Participants describe having suffered bullying at school and from family members, suffered from nicknames, jokes, and social judgments to lose weight. Having suffered violence is related to the adoption of unhealthy weight control practices and the Body Mass Index of the participants. Many of the negative consequences attributed to obesity, such as unhealthy weight control practices, may be related to the violence suffered, and not just the presence of obesity.
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