“Stress and Coping Questionnaire against COVID-19 – Adolescents”:
Evidences of Validity
stress and coping measures, psychological assessment, adolescence, coronavirus.Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic triggered stressful events for the entire population. However, as it is a critical stage of development, adolescents do not have all the regulatory skills yet developed to face Pandemic stressors. This study aimed to develop and evaluate the evidence of validity of the “Stress and Coping Questionnaire against of COVID-19” for adolescents between 11 and 18 years old. The content validity coefficient was .96 refers to the global scale. The judges evaluated both the stressors and the coping alternatives. Reliability coefficients were .81 and .82 to coping and stress dimensions, respectively Although it is suggested that the assessment occurs in a way that integrates the two dimensions, they can still be assessed separately. A Principal Component Analysis showed three distinct components: restriction of means and information, family support (concerns family support for coping with stress), and competencies, which presents coherence with the Motivational Theory of Coping, theoretical basis for the instrument. Further studies with different sociodemographic characteristics are suggested for more evidence of validity and its interpretation
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