Religiosity of health professionals acting on the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic
religiosity, professionals, COVID-19, confrontationAbstract
The objective was to evaluate the religiosity of health professionals who worked on the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cross-sectional, quantitative, descriptive and analytical study, developed with health professionals online through the Google Forms tool. A questionnaire containing sociodemographic, clinical and work data and the Duke Religiosity Scale – DUREL was used. 100 health professionals participated, with a mean age of 33.3±8.3 years, most of them female (81.0%). Regarding the Duke Religiosity scale – DUREL, the subscale corresponding to organizational religiosity computed a median of 4 points, considered low religiosity; the non-organizational religiosity subscale computed 3.5 points, defined as high; and intrinsic religiosity, 6 points, considered high. The results of the study showed that healthcare professionals working on the front lines of COVID-19 had low organizational religiosity, high non-organizational religiosity and high intrinsic religiosity.
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