Motional attachment person-environment: dialogues in community psychology and environmental psychology
Apego ao lugar, Sentimento de Comunidade, Psicologia Comunitária, Psicologia Ambiental.Abstract
This article covers topics from studies in community psychology and environmental psychology, with emphasis on the emotional attachment between person and environment found in the concepts of sense of community and place attachment. This way, it seeks to portray the sense of community, and for this, the concept of community and its theoretical assumptions are placed. Then, the concept of attachment to place developed by Giuliani and the contributions of Bowlby on the theory of attachment are discussed. The methodological proposal relates to critical analysis and is articulated between texts that work these two concepts providing correlations and distinctions, through the literature research. The results of relating and reflecting on these concepts are based on similarities such as identification with place and the satisfaction of needs, but it also differentiates itself by the specific nature of the place and among others. It concludes emphasizing the importance of this correlation, for it allows the construction of new concepts in the dialogue of community psychology and environmental psychology.Downloads
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How to Cite
Lima, D. M. A., & Bomfim, Z. Áurea C. (2010). Motional attachment person-environment: dialogues in community psychology and environmental psychology. Psico, 40(4). Retrieved from