Perception of song lyrics as inspiring of antisocial and prosocial behaviors
Letras de músicas, comportamentos antissociais, comportamentos pró-sociais.Abstract
Institutions, investigators, parents and teachers have if preoccupied about song lyrics principally of rap and heavy metal. With the end of contributing with the discussion about the effects of these song lyrics in the behavior, there aimed to check empirically the perception of these song lyrics how being more inspiring of antisocial and/or prosocial behaviors and to manipulate the presentation of the examiner (alternative vs. standard) to check possible differences. 83 university students classified 8 musical lyric verses of rap and heavy metal in a Likert scale of 7 points what concerns behaviors would be influenced more anti and prosocial. The principal results indicate which lyrics of rap and heavy metal music they can be realized how inspiring of antisocial and prosocial behaviors. There was still observed effect of the presentation of the examiner in the answers of the subjects. These results are interpreted on basis of the social learning theory and prior research in the international psychological literature.Downloads
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How to Cite
Pimentel, C. E., & Günther, H. (2010). Perception of song lyrics as inspiring of antisocial and prosocial behaviors. Psico, 40(3). Retrieved from
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