Home environment and academic performance in preschoolers
Home environment, school achievement, preschoolers.Abstract
The objective of this research was to examine the relationship between home environment and school achievement in preschoolers. Participants were 30 children aged between five and six years, students of the last year in a public preschool, and an informant of their families. The parents answered a questionnaire on familial socio-economic and educational conditions and also the RAF (questionnaire about the family environment resources). Achievement was measured by students’ writing skills. The results indicated the association between performance and resources of the family environment (RAF), especially toys, newspapers, magazines and books, and between maternal education level and RAF. Constitution familial and socioeconomic status (SES) were not associated with performance, but it was found a correlation between SES and RAF. We conclude that the main factors associated with school performance were the presence of cultural objects that can be offered by the school, discussing the necessity of revising certain myths regarding “family reasons” of school failure.Downloads
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How to Cite
Ferreira, S. H. A., & Barrera, S. D. (2010). Home environment and academic performance in preschoolers. Psico, 41(4). Retrieved from https://pucrs.emnuvens.com.br/revistapsico/article/view/5686