The coexistence of forms and forces: on the actual interest of some Gestalt’s psychology contributions to the field of art
Art, Perception, Gestalt psychology, Simondon, Deleuze.Abstract
The purpose of the present work is to point out the actual interest of the Gestalt psychology in the field of art. The text brings into question the traditional interpretation of many authors in the history of psychology according to which Gestalt psychology is identified only as a theory of form centered in the concepts of ‘good shape’ and ‘balance’. Based in the works of Gilbert Simondon, as well as in the works of Rudolf Arnheim concerning art, the article aims to reinforce the dynamics of perception and the plan of forces involved in it. This will be of particular scope in the understanding of the expressive dimension of art. In conclusion, we present some aspects of proximity with some ideas of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari and their understanding of art as ‘beings of sensation’.Downloads
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How to Cite
Ferraz, G. C., & Kastrup, V. (2010). The coexistence of forms and forces: on the actual interest of some Gestalt’s psychology contributions to the field of art. Psico, 41(4). Retrieved from