Valuation of the family and deviant conducts: testing of a theoretical model.
Family, young people, confirmatory analysis.Abstract
This study aimed to evaluate the internal consistency and structural validity of the indicators of internal valuation of the family its influence on deviant behavior in young. For that, there was an exploratory analysis of the main components, confirmatory analysis and structural equation modeling. A sample of 488 young people to exploratory analysis and another one of 345 young people to confirmatory analysis made this study and structural model. All the young people were from the primary and middle level of private and public schools in João Pessoa – PB and Palmas – TO and age between 14 and 18 years and males and females. They answered a questioner assessing the importance that the young people gave the seven attributes for their good family relationship. In exploratory analysis, the model unifactorial had a satisfactory result; these, confirmed, from indicators of adjust quality, in confirmatory analysis, as a model structurally acceptable. As well, the prediction of deviant behavior from the valuation of the family was established.Downloads
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How to Cite
Formiga, N. S. (2011). Valuation of the family and deviant conducts: testing of a theoretical model. Psico, 42(3). Retrieved from