The multifaceted family instituition shaped by economic systems
Family, culture, critical theory, psychoanalysis.Abstract
This article approach the family and your closer relation with economic-political system. Therefore, it make a brief historic review of changes happened in this systems since the mean age until the contemporary, as well as your influence in the family structures. Besides, it relate the influence of neoliberal system, in the present time, in the relation of work and your repercussion on family relations. It also identify the ideology of autonomy and freedom, disseminated and strongly valorized, as a way to mask an individualism led to the latest consequences. These and others ideologies, subjective supports of the neoliberalism, are spread mainly through the media and have as objective to construct people and family structures that assure the maintenance and reproduction of the economic and politic system at the present time. These topics are worked up in a historical dialetic perspective. This theory says that the mankind is a product of his own culture at the same time that is the responsible for create it.Downloads
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How to Cite
Rodrigues, A. A., & Abeche, R. P. C. (2010). The multifaceted family instituition shaped by economic systems. Psico, 41(3). Retrieved from