The formation of a cooperative and the process of identity-building


  • simone dalla barba walckoff calil PUCSP
  • Heloisa Szymasnki PUCSP


Identity, cooperativism, Hannah Arendt.


This research work investigates the experiences of women from a low-income area in the city of Sao Paulo who work in a sewing co-operative, and how these experiences influence the process of identity-building. Over the course of one year, we carried out weekly meetings with members of the sewing co-operative in which we discussed topics suggested by them about their experiences in the co-operative. Throughout this phenomenological study, we were able to identify problems regarding the market place, professional training, funding, among others which affect the co-operative. However, we also identified in this particular co-operative a crucial issue: that its members have built their identities on the basis of their subalternity. Therefore, even though they no longer work as maids or baby-sitters, they still face serious obstacles in their quest to become more independent.


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Author Biography

simone dalla barba walckoff calil, PUCSP

Doutora em Psicologia da Educação pela PUCSP, professora do curso de extensão universitário em práticas psicoeducativas em instituições e comunidades, Pucsp.



How to Cite

calil, simone dalla barba walckoff, & Szymasnki, H. (2010). The formation of a cooperative and the process of identity-building. Psico, 41(3). Retrieved from