The labyrinth of contemporaneity
body, image, contemporaneity, subjectivity, femininity.Abstract
The present work discusses modernity and the production of contemporary subjectivity. It is taken, as a model, the labyrinth of Eco (1985). There are three kinds of labyrinth: the classic labyrinth, the maneiristic, and the net. The classic is unicursal. As soon as it is entered, the only thing that can be done is to get to the center and, from there, the only thing that can be done is to find an exit. The maneiristic proposes alternative choices. All the circuits lead to a dead end, except one that leads to the exit. In the net, every point can have a connection with any other point. While the previous labyrinths have an inner and an outer side, the net, extensible to infinity, has no in or out. From this model, it is discussed the production of individualities and subjectivities, the body as a means of communication and the production of body images through the media.Downloads
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How to Cite
Lang, C. E., Barbosa, J. F., Tóia, P. V. de S., & Caselli, F. R. B. (2011). The labyrinth of contemporaneity. Psico, 42(2). Retrieved from