Comparative study between gifted and non-gifted students with respect to intelligence and creativity
intelligence, creativity, giftedness, gifted students.Abstract
That study aimed at to compare creativity and intelligence levels among gifted and non-gifted students and to examine the relationship among the two phenomena in the two groups. The study had the participation of 6th grade 21 gifted students and 27 non-gifted students from a Elementary School in Minas Gerais. The Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices and the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking were used. It was not found relationship between intelligence and creativity in the groups as well as differences between gifted and non-gifted in relation to intelligence. For creativity, the results indicated significant differences in the verbal and figurative originality. The gifted students obtained superior means in comparison to the non-gifted. The results indicate the importance of considering the diversity of characteristics of gifted individuals in the identification process.Downloads
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How to Cite
Gonçalves, F. do C., & Fleith, D. de S. (2011). Comparative study between gifted and non-gifted students with respect to intelligence and creativity. Psico, 42(2). Retrieved from