Study of motivation for treatment in teenagers users of illicit substances
Teenagers, drugs, motivation, treatment.Abstract
The motivation has been increasingly studied in the treatment of adolescent users of psychoactive substances.The objective of this study was to evaluate the motivational stage for change in juvenile delinquents users of illicit substances who committed the infraction and correlate the motivational stage with adherence to treatment. The study was pre-trial and conducted at the Laboratory of Cognitive Intervention (LABICO) – PUCRS. The instruments were: an interview to collect socio-demographic data; URICA (University of Rhode Island Change Assesment); BAI e BDI. The study included 103 teenagers. With regard to readiness for treatment, The study showed that most of the teenagers were at the pre-contemplation. The analysis after completion of treatment showed that only 35 teens completed the program. The data obtained showed that adolescents who scored high scores on the pre-contemplation represented substantially the number of dropouts from the program, demonstrating the validity of the transtheoretical model.Downloads
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How to Cite
Oliveira, M. da S., Szupszynski, K. D. R., & DiClemente, C. (2010). Study of motivation for treatment in teenagers users of illicit substances. Psico, 41(1). Retrieved from