The social construction of the present time: Ethics, esthetics and politics
Foucault, time, subjectivity, ethical-political subject.Abstract
This text is based on Foucault, in order to change our present time, and questioning about the modes of the majority subjectivity. The present analytic is exposed here as a strategy to escape the forms already established and to reconnect him with the outside forces. Besides, we are able to open new possibilities of creation and expression. Creation is like an expression of a free life and at the same time connect with anyone which means an exercise building a esthetics of existence crossed the ethics of self-care. Political, that reinvents himself and builds himself as an author of the world. Thus, this questioning represents also the discussion about the subject and his modes of existence. The meeting with the outside may open the possibility of constructing territories of authorship who made the own death as a possibility of emergence of subject of action, ethical and political, that reinvents himself and builds himself as an author of the world.Downloads
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How to Cite
Farina, J. T., Barone, L. R., Fonseca, T. M. G., & Moehlecke, V. (2011). The social construction of the present time: Ethics, esthetics and politics. Psico, 41(3). Retrieved from