The 40 years of the Psico journal: A bibliometric review


  • Adolfo Pizzinato PUCRS
  • Helena Beatriz Kochenborger Scarparo PUCRS
  • Tárcio Soares PUCRS
  • Ana Cláudia Menini Bezerra PUCRS
  • Jéssica Camargo PUCRS
  • Thiago Loreto Garcia da Silva PUCRS
  • Eduardo Reuwsaat Guimarães PUCRS
  • Ariane Ferreira Gehling PUCRS
  • Diego Dewes PUCRS
  • Bruna Krimberg von Muhlen PUCRS


Bibliometric, metascience, scientific indicators of productivity, scientific journals, psychology.


The present study examined all the texts published in the Psico journal since its first issue (1971-2010). 1018 texts were analyzed, including articles, experience reports, editorials and others. The material was analyzed and organized based on 5 categories: 1) number of texts; 2) language of the texts; 3) type of texts; 4) methodological approach; and 5) origin place of the publication. From the results, we could draw a timeline of the main editorial changes of Psico journal, the author’s characterization regarding their amount and sex, and their frequency of publication. Finally, it was verified what keywords appeared most frequently along the periodic publications.


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How to Cite

Pizzinato, A., Scarparo, H. B. K., Soares, T., Bezerra, A. C. M., Camargo, J., Silva, T. L. G. da, … Muhlen, B. K. von. (2011). The 40 years of the Psico journal: A bibliometric review. Psico, 42(3). Retrieved from



Special Section - 40 years of the Psico journal