Resource Mobilization and identity: the collective action of a NGO
Resource Mobilization, Identity, NGO.Abstract
Considering that Resource Mobilization Theory and the New Social Movements Theories both have important conceptual instruments to analyze processes of collective action, this article aim to explore complementarities of these approaches. Facing this challenge, organizational strategies are studied in a NGO named “Centro de Assessoria Multiprofissional (CAMP)”, located in Porto Alegre, Brazil. For this purpose, we analyze qualitative and quantitative data, collected by interviews, participant observation and budget analyses between 2010 and 2011. The results show that the NGO had been passing by changes in its strategies of resource mobilization. There had been significant increase in financing from public policies and corporate philanthropy. At the same time, resources from international cooperation lost space in the budget. These changes implied in organizational identity conflicts, especially about the NGO autonomy in the relation with their financing partners.Downloads
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