Popular participation in Brazil: an analysis of the plebiscite, referendum, popular initiative, recall and popular veto
Social Control, Democracy, Popular participation, CitizenshipAbstract
This paper aims to demonstrate the level of Popular participation in the Brazilian case, in respect to the plebiscite instruments, references, popular initiatives, recall and popular veto, from the perspective of Sherry Arnstein’s theory. It assumes the importance of binding participatory management practices, where it is possible to verify in a solid way the popular participation. In methodological terms, content analysis was performed, based on the instruments of participation. Subsequently, it was investigated in which levels of the participation scale the instruments fit in. The results demonstrate a democratic deficit, considering that the present instruments do not fit in the upper level of the participation scale. It is concluded that Popular Participation can still go through several advances, both on the part of Civil Society and on the part of the State, in the sense of regulamentation of more practical practices of social control and ambitious in the point of view of Popular Participation.
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