On condition of citizenship or citizenship on condition? Reflections on the application of socio-educational measures and the right to citizenship in Brazil
Citizenship. Socio-educational measures. Social rights. Conflicts.Abstract
This article seeks to reflect on the application of socio-educational measures in Brazil and the construction of citizenship in the Brazilian legal system through an anthropological analysis on the legislation of the policy of child and adolescent care and the data on their effective application in Rio. of January. To understand this process, a study was conducted on the history of the first legislations that supported the service to this segment in the country, from the first Criminal Code to the present day with the implementation of the Child and Adolescent Statute in 1990. The analysis of the proposal to make children and adolescents into citizens with full protection seeks to understand how juvenile criminal responsibility creates contradictions to the effective exercise of this policy in favor of children and adolescents, highlighting in their practices the way legal equality is built in Brazil.
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