The emergence of feminism for a review of political theory
Human rights of women and the case of female genital mutilation
International Relations, Philosophy, Liberalism, Realism, FeminismAbstract
The article discusses the contributions of philosophy to International Relations (IR) theories. What is the role of philosophy in traditional theories and dissident voices, such as feminist theory? What are the contributions of philosophy to the changes that these voices seek to achieve? The objective is to research IR as an academic discipline, the importance of studying classical theories of philosophy and the need to use new approaches to deal with the present. The research is qualitative and exploratory, using bibliographic material. The study of feminist theory within the IR is carried out by analyzing the case of female mutilation through Martha Nussbaum, dialoguing with the protection of human rights. There is a journey through the theories of IR, arriving at the new feminist approach that also uses philosophy to support its studies.
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