Crises of Democracy, from Adam Przeworski




Democracy, Politic science, Comparative politics, Critical junctures analysis


The following review intends to explain the main points that the author, Adam Przeworski, approaches in his book: Crises of Diplomacy. There, the renowned politic scientist and member of the American Academic of Arts and Sciences discuss and relate about the current crise that the democracies are suffering. The author proposes an in-depth analysis of the reasons and signals of the crise. Although, Pzeworski goes beyond, because he discusses the explications for this situation, his expectations and the possible resolution for these systems in crise. That is a discuss of extreme importance to the dynamic of the life in society in the current moment. 


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Author Biography

Laura Freitas Pedron, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

Bacharelanda em Relações Internacionais na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), em Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Bolsista de Iniciação Científica PUCRS/BPA vinculada ao projeto Representação programática e inclusão política de gênero, raça e classe na América Latina.


Przeworski, Adam. 2019. Crises da Democracia. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar.

Dahl, Robert. Poliarquia. 1997. São Paulo: Edusp.

Stefan, Roberto, e Yascha Mounk. 2017. Os sinais da desconslidação. Journal of Democracy 28 (1): 1-16.



How to Cite

Pedron, L. F. (2022). Crises of Democracy, from Adam Przeworski. Conversas & Controvérsias, 9(1), e42896.