Biografias de homens e mulheres autores de violência: uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o uso de métodos com trajetória para o entendimento do fenômeno sociológico
Violência, Crime, Homens, Mulheres, BiografiaResumo
Neste artigo, está o resultado de uma revisão da literatura sobre trajetórias de homens e mulheres que cometeram crime ou violência. O objetivo foi analisar o trabalho empírico publicado nos últimos dez anos com uso de biografias para o entendimento do fenômeno social. Os bancos de dados utilizados para a pesquisa foram o Scopus e o SciELO. O corpus final de análise é uma apanhado de 56 documentos. Entre os resultados está a presença de vitimização na trajetória biográfica como um fator que contribui para o cometimento de crimes posteriores por mulheres e homens. Da mesma forma, a socialização do gênero - como um processo vinculado às formas identitárias e à atribuição de significados - aparece na literatura como um aspecto central para a compreensão desse fenômeno. Isso foi identificado na pesquisa qualitativa que utilizou biografias.
ARFUCH, Leonor. La vida narrada. Villa María: Eduvim, 2018.
BAIRD, Adam. Becoming the 'Baddest': Masculine Trajectories of Gang Violence in Medellín. Journal of Latin American Studies, n. 50, v. 1, p. 183-210, 2018.
BARCINSKI, Mariana; CAPRA-RAMOS, Carine; WEBER, João; DARTORA, Tamires. O marianismo e vitimização de mulheres encarceradas: formas alternativas de exercício do poder feminino. Exæquo, n. 28, p. 87-100, 2013.
BECERRA, Luz Adriana Aristizábal; SERRA, Jenny Cubells. Female Delinquency and Withdrawal: Explanatory Factors. Universitas Psychologica, n.16, v. 4, 2017.
BERGER, Peter; LUCKMANN, Thomas. A construção social da realidade: tratado de sociologia do conhecimento. Tradução: Floriano de Souza Fernandes. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2004.
BLUMER, Herbert. A natureza do interaccionismo simbólico. En: Mortensen, C. D. Teoria da comunicação: textos básicos. São Paulo: Mosaico, 1980.
BOZKURT, Safak; ARESTI, Aresti. Absent voices: Experiencing Prison Life From Both Sides of the Fence: A Turkish Females Perspective. Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, v. 27, n. 2, p. 17-36, 2018.
CALVO, Estabaliz de Miguel. Explorando la agencia de las mujeres encarceladas a través de sus experiencias amorosas. Papers 2017, v. 102, n. 2, p. 311-335, 2017.
CARLSSON, Christoffer. Masculinities, Persistence, and Desistance. Criminology, n. 51, v. 3, p. 661-693, 2013.
CARR, Nicole; HANKS, Roma. Everything I've Done I've Done for MeN : One Woman's Deployment of Femininities and Her Pathway to Crime. Sociological Spectrum, v. 33, n. 5, p. 433-452, 2013.
CORAZZA PADOVANI, Natalia. Plotting Prisons, Flows and Affections: Brazilian Female Prisoners between the Transnational Drug Trade and Sex Markets in Barcelona. Criminology & Criminal Justice, v. 16, n. 3, p. 366-385, 2016.
DEBOS, Marielle. Living by the gun in Chad: Armed violence as a practical occupation. Journal of Modern African Studies, n. 49, v. 3, p. 409-428, 2011.
DEKEL, Bianca; ABRAHAMS, Naeemah; ANDIPATIN, Michelle. Exploring adverse parent-child relationships from the perspective of convicted child murderers: A South African qualitative study. PLoS ONE, n. 13, v. 5, e0196772, 2018.
DIXON-WOODS, Mary; BOOTH, Andrew; SUTTON, Alex. Synthesizing qualitative research: a review of published reports. Qualitative Research, v. 7, n. 3, p. 375-422, 2007.
DIXON-WOODS, Mary; CAVERS, Debbie; AGARWAL, Shona; ANNANDALE, Ellen; ARTHUR, Antony; HARVEY, Janet; HSU, Ron; KATBAMMA, Savita; OLSON, Richard; SMITH, Lucy, RILEY, Richard; SUTTON, Alex. Conducting a critical interpretative synthesis of the literature on access to healthcare by vulnerable groups. BMC Medical Research Methodology, v. 6, n. 35, 2006.
ELLIS, Anthony. Men, masculinities and violence: an ethnographic study. Devon: Routledge, 2016.
ELLIS, Anthony; WINLOW, Simone; HALL, Steve. ‘Throughout my life I’ve had people walk all over me’: Trauma in the lives of violent men. Sociological Review, n. 65, v. 4: p. 699-712, 2017.
FROIS, Cataria. Female imprisonment. An ethnography of everyday life in confinement. Lisboa: Cham Springer International Publishing, 2017.
GADD, David. Masculinities, Violence and Defended Psychosocial Subjects. Theoretical Criminology, n. 4, v. 4, p. 429-449, 2000.
GONÇALVES, Rosângela. Entre o mundão e a casa: A passagem pelo centro de atendimento socioeducativo ao adolescente (fundação casa) e a aproximação aos códigos e procederes do sistema prisional. Dilemas, n. 10, v. 3, p. 449-478, 2017.
GROSSI PORTO, Maria Stela; AZEVEDO, Rodrigo Ghiringhelli de. Apresentação dossiê Violência e Sociedade. Civitas, Porto Alegre, v. 13, n. 1, p. 5-8, 2013.
GUETA, Keren; CHEN, Gila. Men and Women Inmates’ Accounts of Their Pathways to Crime: A Gender Analysis. Deviant Behavior, n. 37, v. 12, p. 1459-1472, 2016.
HADDEN, Jennifer; THOMAS, Susan; JELLICOE-JONES, Lorna; MARSH, Zoe. An exploration of staff and prisoner experiences of a newly commissioned personality disorder service within a category B male establishment. Journal of Forensic Practice, n. 18, v. 3, p. 216-228, 2016.
HAMMERSLEY, Richard; DALGARNO, Phil; MCCOLLUM, Sean; REID, Marie; STRIKE, Yvonne; SMITH, A., WALLACE, Jason; SMART, Audry; JACK, Moira; THOMPSON, Alan; LIDDELL, David. Trauma in the childhood stories of people who have injected drugs. Addiction Research and Theory, n. 24, v. 2, p. 135-151, 2016.
HARRATI, Sonia; COULANGES, Mathilde; DERIVOIS, Daniel; VASSORI, David. Qualitative study on the traumatic experiences of female sex offenders. Journal of Loss and Trauma, v. 23, n. 4, p. 271-286, 2018.
HOLLIGAN, Chriss; Deuchar, Ross. What does it mean to be a man? Psychosocial undercurrents in the voices of incarcerated (violent) Scottish teenage offenders. Criminology and Criminal Justice, n.15, v. 3, p. 361-377, 2015.
HONEYWELL, David. Returning to Durham prison 30 years on: An ex-prisoners perspective. Prison Service Journal, v. 22, p. 14-20, 2016.
HONORATO, Bronwyn; CALTABIANO, Nerina; CLOUGH, Alan. From trauma to incarceration: exploring the trajectory in a qualitative study in male prison inmates from north Queensland, Australia. Health and Justice, n. 4, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2016.
JANSSON, Peter. Exploring Pathways Related to Men’s Violence: A Qualitative Exploration of the Relationship between Violent Men’s Violence and Their Masculinities, Childhood, and Emotions. Deviant Behavior, n. 1, v. 16, p. 1-17, 2018.
JEFFRIES, Samantha; CHUENURAH, Chontit. Pathways to prison in cambodia for homicide offending: Exploring women’s life history narratives. South East Asia Research, v. 26, n. 2, p. 109-13,. 2018.
JONES, Melissa; SHARP, Susan; WORTHEN, Meredith. Broken Hearts and Battered Lives: Adverse and Abusive Life Histories and Externalized Responses to Anger as Pathways to Illicit Drug Use Among Incarcerated Women. Women & Criminal Justice, v. 28, n. 3, p. 167-188, 2018.
KENNEDY, Stephanie; MENNICKE, Annelise. Behind every woman in prison is a man”: Incarcerated Women’s Perceptions of How We Can Better Help Them in the Context of Interpersonal Victimization. Journal of Progressive Human Services, v. 29, n. 3, p. 206-229, 2018.
KÖTTIG, Michaela. The causes of violent actions by young women. Civitas, Porto Alegre, v. 16, n. 1, p. 8-25, jan./mar. 2016.
KRAS, Kimberly; BLASKO, Brandy. Pathways to Desistance among Men Convicted of Sexual Offenses. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, n. 60, v. 15, p. 1738-1755, 2016.
LAMBIE, Ian; Johnston, Emma. I Couldn't Do It to a Kid Knowing What It Did to Me. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, n. 60, v. 8, p. 897-918, 2011.
LINDSAY, Joanne. The gendered trouble with alcohol: Young people managing alcohol related violence. International Journal of Drug Policy, n. 23, v. 3, p. 236-241, 2012.
MAGHSOUDI, Aliasghar; ANARAKI, Nahid Rahimipour; BOOSTANI, Dariush. Patriarchy as a contextual and gendered pathway to crime: a qualitative study of Iranian women offenders. Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology, v. 52, n. 1, p. 355-370, 2018.
MARTSOLF, Donna; DRAUCKER, Claire. The legacy of childhood sexual abuse and family adversity. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, n. 40, v. 4, p. 333-340, 2008.
MATOS, Raquel. Gender and Crime in the Life Pathways of Young Women Offenders: Contrasting the Narratives of Girls and Professionals. In: GOMES, Sílvia; DUARTE, Vera (org). Female Crime and Delinquency in Portugal. Maia: Palgrave Macmillan. 2018. pp.163-182.
MCCONAGHY, Megan; LEVY, Marissa P. The Impact of Gender and Early Delinquency on Reoffending: A Life History Perspective. Victims & Offenders, v. 11, n. 2, p. 251-284, 2016.
MEJIA-HERNANDEZ, Juana María; WEISS, Eduardo. La violencia entre chicas de secundaria. RMIE, v. 16, n. 49, p. 545-570, 2011.
MOERTL, Kathrin; BUCHHOLZ, Michael; LAMOTT, Franziska. Gender constructions of male sex offenders in Germany: Narrative analysis from group psychotherapy. Archives of Sexual Behavior, v. 39, n 1, 203-2012, 2010.
NUYTIENS, A.;CHRISTIAENS, J. Female pathways to crime and prison: Challenging the (US) gendered pathways perspective. European Journal of Criminology, 13(2), 195-213, 2016.
ODGERS, Candice; MOFFITT, Terrie; BROADBENT, Jonathan; DICKSON, Nigel; HANCOX, Robert; HARRINGTON, Honalee; POULTON, Richie; SEARS, Malcom; THOMSON, Murray; CASPI, Avshalom. Female and male antisocial trajectories: From childhood origins to adult outcomes. Development and Psychopathology, n. 20, v. 2, p. 673-716, 2008.
PANDYA, Varsha. A study of change processes in domestically violent men in group therapy. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, n. 6, v. 2, p. 127-146, 2009.
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SALISBURY, Emily; KALANTRY, Sital; BOPPRE, Breanna; BRUNDIGE, Elizabeth; MARTÍNEZ, Silvia. Expanding the Feminist Pathways Perspective beyond the United States: A Profile of Federal Women Prisoners in Argentina. Women & Criminal Justice, v. 28, n. 2, p. 125-151, 2018.
SANTOS, Hermílio; SUSIN, Priscila; OLIVERIA, Patrícia. Narrativas e pesquisa biográfica na sociologia brasileira: Revisão e perspectivas. Revista de Ciências Sociais (Civitas), v. 14, n. 2, p. 359-382, 2014.
SANTOS, José Tavares dos. As lutas sociais contra as violências. Política & Sociedade, v. 6, n. 11, p. 70-100, 2007.
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SMITH, Vivian. Substance-Abusing Female Offenders as Victims: Chronological Sequencing of Pathways Into the Criminal Justice System, Victims & Offenders, v. 12, n. 1, p. 113-137, 2017.
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