Program for Youth and Adults Education (EJA): From Life Experience to School Experience
Youth and adults education, learning difficulties, life history, family history.Abstract
Education of Youth and Adults (EJA) is defined in LDB 9.424/1996 and classified as part of Basic Education, presented in many cases as the only alternative to social inclusion for pupils out of mainstream education. Vygotsky has shown the importance of social integration as a source of knowledge and mediation in learning processes. Mediators’ role may and must be played by parents and teachers. This qualitative research analyzed features of EJA students via interviews with four pupils from a private institution in São Paulo city. By investigating the family and school life’s history of those pupils as well as recovering their experiences, it was possible to refer them to their present difficulties. Results may be used to improving educational practice and methodological proposals of EJA programs, in order to adequate them to their population reality.Downloads
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How to Cite
Coelho, A. L. A. S., & Fiamenghi Jr, G. A. (2012). Program for Youth and Adults Education (EJA): From Life Experience to School Experience. Psico, 43(4). Retrieved from