Neuropsychological Profile in the Neupsilin-Inf of Children with Reading Disabilities
Cognition, literacy, neuropsychology, neuropsychological tests, reading.Abstract
The aim of this research was to compare the performance of children with and without reading disabilities in the Child Neuropsychological Assessment Instrument NEUPSILIN-INF. Performance on neuropsychological functions of both groups, i.e., with reading disabilities (n = 19) and skilled readers (n = 65), was compared using ANCOVA, controlling for age, IQ (Raven) and Conners 'Scale (hyperactivity and attention deficits). The clinical group had significantly lower performances in orientation, working memory, oral language and literacy, arithmetic and visuo-constructive abilities and executive functions. These findings partially support the hypothesis of phonological processing deficit (phonological memory and phonological awareness), because the group with reading disabilities also showed low performance in other abilities, such as arithmetic, visuo-constructive and executive functions. The largest effect sizes were in written language (reading and writing of words/pseudowords). The results suggest evidence of criterion validity of NEUPSILIN-INF.