Emotional and Behavioral Problems and Family Climate in Adolescents and their Parents


  • Maycoln Leôni Martins Teodoro Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  • Adriana Raquel Binsfeld Hess Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Lisiane Alvim Saraiva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do sul
  • Bruna Moraes Cardoso Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões/Erechim




Behavioral problems, adolescence, family structure (or family).


Adolescence is a period of many changes and a vulnerable phase for the development of emotional and behavioral problems (EBP). These may happen due to family crises, considered as risk factors. This study investigated EBP and their relation with family climate in the view of 187 adolescents and their mothers and fathers. The youngsters were students from public schools in Rio Grande do Sul. The used instruments were Youth Self-Report [YSR], Adult Self-Report [ASR] and Family Climate Inventory. The results of the participants’ perceptions, considering internalizing and externalizing symptoms, indicated a relation between mothers and fathers’ and mothers and children’s descriptions, but not between fathers and children’s. The maternal internalizing problems were positively correlated with the perceived Hierarchy of adolescents and negatively with Affection; the externalizing problems were positively correlated with Conflict and Hierarchy, and negatively with Cohesion and Affection.


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How to Cite

Teodoro, M. L. M., Hess, A. R. B., Saraiva, L. A., & Cardoso, B. M. (2014). Emotional and Behavioral Problems and Family Climate in Adolescents and their Parents. Psico, 45(2), 168–175. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-8623.2014.2.13172




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