Developmental Psychology, E-learning and the Digital Technologies of Information and Communication
Developmental Psychology, E-learning, Educational technology, Cyberculture.Abstract
This study aimed to discuss the contributions of Developmental Psychology to distance education (EAD, in Portuguese). To guide the discussion, the notions of environment and the socio-historical matrix were employed, proposed by Bronfenbrenner and the Network of Meanings (RedSig, in Portuguese), respectively, besides the concepts of virtual learning communities and cyberspace. In EAD, the community begins to embrace the unpredictability of nature, transience and also of many possible rearrangements and formation of subcommunities. Social networks would also be guided by a broader socio-historical matrix, combining elements of the cyberculture and the different societies. It was concluded that Developmental Psychology can contribute to new readings on EAD and its possibilities in the contemporary world.