The Role of Materialism as a Mediator between Shopping Pleasure and Impulse Buying


  • Samuel Lincoln Bezerra Lins PUCRS
  • Gabrielle Poeschl Universidade do Porto



Adolescents, Impulse buying, Mediation, Materialism, Pleasure.


Much research has been carried out on impulse buying but studies with young people are scarce. The objective of this study was to assess whether the relationship between the pleasure to shop and impulse buying was mediated by materialism. It was conducted with Brazilian (n = 482) and Portuguese (n = 238) adolescents, employing structural equations modeling. In spite of a few adjustment problems with the measurement model, the goodness of fit of the mediation model was good with both samples, providing external validity. Results suggest that materialistic values mediate the relationship between the pleasure deriving from the activity of buying and impulse buying, highlighting the relationship that exists between variables that were separately tested in previous studies on impulse buying. They also constitute an approach to this issue in Brazil and Portugal in particular, and with the adolescent public,
in general.


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How to Cite

Lins, S. L. B., & Poeschl, G. (2015). The Role of Materialism as a Mediator between Shopping Pleasure and Impulse Buying. Psico, 46(1), 57–67.


