Scientific production of the reading assessment in the school context
leitura, avaliação psicológica, produção científicaAbstract
The present study investigated the scientific production returned to the assessment of the reading in the school context in the years from 1996 to 2005. Were analyzed 33 articles of 12 journals classified as A National according to the QUALIS of CAPES. The results evidenced an increase of the publications in the last five years. There was the predominance of researches from the Southeast area and multiple authorship. About authors’ formation, there was the doctors’ predominance. As for the sample, students of primary school and university were the most studied. Finally, the analyses evidenced that among the used instruments, the technique of Cloze was the most used. The present study reveals the need of researches returned to the evaluation of the reading, especially in what it concern the qualities of instruments.Downloads
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How to Cite
Cunha, N. de B., Suehiro, A. C. B., Oliveira, E. Z., Pacanaro, S. V., & Angeli dos Santos, A. A. (2009). Scientific production of the reading assessment in the school context. Psico, 40(1). Retrieved from