Multisensory/Phonics Program: effects in kindergartners at risk for presenting literacy difficulties
Early literacy, Phonological awareness, Letters knowledge, Intervention, KindergartnersAbstract
This study evaluates the results of a multisensory program with phonics emphasis on the performance in phonological awareness (PA), letters knowledge (LK) and early reading and writing skills in pre-school children. The participants were 36 students of a public pre-school, with mean age of 5,5 years old. The design consisted of Pre-test, Intervention and Post-tests 1 and 2. Children who presented low results in Pre-test in LK and/or PA tasks were considered at risk for presenting reading and writing difficulties. Spelling and reading skills were also assessed. The children were allocated randomly in two groups: Multisensory Group (MG) and Control Group (CG). The MG participated of three intervention sessions per week, during four months, totaling 48 sessions. The CG held alternative activities. The results showed a significant effect of the intervention for children at risk in all skills assessed, suggesting the effectiveness of the program to prevent literacy difficulties.
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