Measurement invariance and evidence of external validity of the Peer Aggressive Behavior Scale (PAB-S)
Aggressive behavior, Evidence of validity, Children.Abstract
Aggressive behavior is common in childhood, which requires the use of appropriate instruments to measure them. The aim of this study was to test the measurement invariance of the Peer Aggressive Behavior Scale (PAB-S) and to investigate evidence of validity based on the association with other external variables. Participants were 237 caregivers (M = 38.5; SD = 7.02, 70.6% mothers) and 1,370 children, aged 7 to 13 years (M = 9.87, SD = 1.28, 53.1% girls), students from elementary schools in three Brazilian states. The Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis demonstrated configural, scalar and metric invariance of the PAB-S. The Structural Equation Modeling indicated adequate evidence of concurrent and convergent validity. The results demonstrate adequate psychometric properties of the PAB-S, suggesting its adequacy for use in the Brazilian context. Further studies should be conducted to further evidence the validity and reliability of the PAB-S.
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