Coparenting at three months of the baby’s life
coparenting, family relations, childhood development, parent child relations.Abstract
The aim of the current study was to investigate coparenting at three months of the baby’s life. The participants were 26 nuclear families with an only child. Mother and father participated in interviews. The qualitative content analysis revealed predominantly maternal responsibility in the childcare in most families. The mother seemed to occupy a gatekeeper position in the fatherbaby relationship, showing behaviors which facilitated or inhibited the father’s involvement. All the participants mentioned coparental support, although maternal undermining directed to paternal contribution was identified. The triadic interactions occurred specially during basic childcare. Parents’ verbalizations suggested good quality in family communication as well as good levels of childrearing agreement. Emphasis is placed on gratifying and challenging aspects of coparenting at three months of the baby’s life, the period during which parents are adjusting to their new identities and roles in order to attend to the child’s needs.
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