The play as a promoter of the ability of intentional child communication: a systematic review
play, communication, intentionalityAbstract
This study presents a systematic review of research that addresses the joint play activity in mother-infant interactions as a facilitator of the intentional child communication ability. This review followed the methodological recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyze / PRISMA and has been searched in the Web of Science, Pubmed, Pepsic, Scielo, Indexpsi, PsycInfo and Lilacs databases and also in the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD). The descriptors used were “mother”, “baby”, “communication”, “intentionality” and “play”. The analysis allowed to include 10 articles and a doctoral thesis that were published between 2008 and 2018. The research allowed to identify the need to broaden the studies on the subject with research investigating interactive styles of infants with adults in different social groups, contexts other than learning, and types of play that can foster the development of intentional communication skills.
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