The psychodynamics of recognition in nursing
Psicodinâmica, reconhecimento, enfermagemAbstract
This article seeks to present the results of a study in psychodynamics of recognition in the context of nursing workers. The research, done with a group of nurses in a hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, aimed to analyze, from the Psychodynamics of Work perspective, the efficiency of the forms of recognition, as a way for contributing to the preservation of mental health, considering that, through recognition, suffering at work can be transformed in pleasure and accomplishment. It was noticed that there is a time and space restriction for discussion, coexistence and relationship, limiting the expression of recognition and the visibility of the contributions to the work place. The most awaited recognition is from the patient who is also obstructed by his/her distance, associated to new job demands.Downloads
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How to Cite
Traesel, E. S., & Merlo, Álvaro R. C. (2009). The psychodynamics of recognition in nursing. Psico, 40(1). Retrieved from