To avoid or to punish, is that the question?
Action tendencies towards moral violationsc
moral judgement, transgressions, ethics, identityAbstract
We sought to investigate the association among action tendencies in the face of moral violations with moral codes and the identity of the offender. Taking part were 200 university students (70% women, Mean age = 23 years, SD = 6.62). They answered sociodemographic questions, the Community, Autonomy and Divinity Scale, the Action Tendencies List towards Moral Violations. Mixed analyzes of variance suggested a main effect of ethics, with autonomy showing higher scores; a main effect of the violations, with transgressions of autonomy showing higher scores; and a main effect of the level of proximity to the offender, with higher scores observed with strangers. An interaction was observed between action tendencies and the level of proximity, where the participants avoided friends more and punished strangers more. Future research suggests proximity to the offender as a relevant variable.
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