Orchestrating gender voices of Latin American foreign student
Gender relations, acculturation, discourse.Abstract
This research discusses sense effects produced by foreign Latin American students in relation to gender conceptions in their countries of origin and in Brazil. It is based upon gender studies and in the acculturation concept proposed by Cross-cultural Psychology to approach gender values changes resulted from cultural exchange. It addresses to language and discourse questions based on the discourse analysis (DA), developed by Pêcheux, using up discoursive sequences produced by foreign Latin American students. The findings show that the theme of sexuality stands out from the participant´s discourse related to gender relations in Brazil.Downloads
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How to Cite
Alencar-Rodrigues, R. de, & Strey, M. N. (2010). Orchestrating gender voices of Latin American foreign student. Psico, 41(1). Retrieved from https://pucrs.emnuvens.com.br/revistapsico/article/view/3755