Brazilian Jeitinho
Developing an Ipsative Measure Based on Daily Stories
Brazilian jeitinho, stories, forced-choice, ipsative measurementAbstract
This study aimed to develop an instrument to identify behavioural patterns, based on real everyday situations related to the Brazilian Jeitinho, which maps decision-making in different social contexts. Two studies were developed to explore the phenomenon. In study 1, the construction of an ipsative measurement scale (forced-choice) is described, composed of 11 daily stories about real situations and outcomes that require decision-making. In study 2, the instrument developed was tested in a sample of 480 participants. Confirmatory multidimensional scaling was carried and showed a two-dimensional model with 2 polarized dimensions: (1) positive-negative orientation (assertive/trickster) and (2) passive-active disposition (negligent/creative). The operationalization of an ipsative measure demonstrated a functional option as an alternative to the Likert-type scale, enabling psychological measurement for inter-individual comparison. The study, therefore, provides a complementary empirical tool in a specific perspective for everyday behaviours from the perspective of the Brazilian Jeitinho.
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