Children with ADHD and teachers
Resources and difficulties
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, children, teachers, schoolAbstract
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a risk in child development, impacting interpersonal relationships and academic performance. The present study aimed to characterize resources and difficulties reported by teachers and children with ADHD in the school context. Participants were 43 students (M=9.6 years) and 36 teachers (M=43 years) of public education in a city in the interior of São Paulo. The instruments used were interviews (children) and questionnaires (teachers). Thematic analysis was performed using the Iramuteq software. The results showed difficulties: in the children regarding the negative self-concept, academic losses and exclusion by peers, and, in the teachers, regarding the lack of knowledge about ADHD and the absence of differentiated pedagogical strategies. Regarding resources, family support in academic matters was highlighted by children and teachers. The findings contribute to the discussion of educational policies, such as continuing education for teachers and multidisciplinary interventions.
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