Parenting and child temperament
a systematic review
parenting, child temperament, systematic review, child developmentAbstract
This study carried out a systematic review of literature published between 2015 and 2020 on bibliometrics; theoretical and methodological operationalization and directionality of the eff ects of the relationships between parenting and child temperament in studies about 4-7 years children. The search in BVS-Psi, Portal Regional da BVS, MEDLINE, Academic Search Premier, SocINDEX, SCOPUS, ScienceDirect, PsycInfo e PsycArticles databases, using the keywords “parenting”, “child temperament” and “infant temperament” resulted in 24 studies selected for analysis. North American studies predominated, with a quantitative design, with mothers responding questionnaires. The theoretical-methodological framework used to assess parenting proved to be diversifi ed, while the Psychobiological Model stood out in the assessment of temperament. It was found that temperament and parenting have a direct and indirect association and the eff ects of this relationship reverberate in child development. The importance of intervention programs to promote positive parenting and the development of child regulatory skills is highlighted.
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