Compassion Focused Therapy Online in Groups in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Compassion Focused Therapy, compassion, covid-19, lapicc against covid, online group interventionsAbstract
Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) is a transdiagnostic treatment approach that aims to develop calm and affiliative capacities as a way to regulate the threat system, which can be very useful in crisis situations, as in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an experience report that aims to present a group intervention of 3 weekly sessions of CFT carried out online, in order to support the population in the COVID-19 pandemic, evaluating possible changes in the levels of depression, anxiety, stress and self-compassion. In this study, 106 participants completed the intervention offered within the “LaPICC against COVID-19” program. Significant differences were found in the quantitative measures of depression, anxiety and stress, in addition to self-compassion. Qualitative data also indicated changes in terms of compassion and self-compassion. These findings suggest that compassion can contribute to mental health and psychological well-being, as well as to coping with crises in the participants of this group.
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